My new relationship with the HD antenna and Apple TV is nearly a month old and we’re still getting to know one another. The HD part has been fairly simple. I receive all the main network channels - NBC, CBS and ABC plus their random partner stations that feature old sitcoms, random movies, adventure and action shows and one channel that always has skiing or cycling competitions. There are two Japanese stations that are especially interesting in their coverage of the earthquake/nuclear events in Japan. Plus five to six Spanish religious stations and every variety of public television – 55 channels total.
The Apple TV part has been more challenging beginning with losing the teeny, tiny remote that powers the whole thing. I think it got caught up in the newspaper and throw out with the recycling. But my handy i-Phone came to the rescue because there’s an app for that! With a Netflix account I’ve been able to watch movies and I even figured out how to watch Caillou, Abby’s favorite show.
The final piece of the ensemble; connecting my laptop to the HDMI TV is the sweetest part of the deal. Totally free – well not counting the high speed internet access – and I can watch anything I can find on the internet right there in living color on the tube. And no, I don’t watch inappropriate stuff but I could if I wanted to.
As I read over this I suspect I’m not going to send everyone out to get rid of their cable and convert to the alternative. It sort of like I broke up with George Clooney to begin a relationship with Justin Bieber – crazy! Do I think it is worth the $100 savings a month? Yes. Is it seamless and convenient? No. But I find that I watch less mindless television and I read a great deal more. Do I think I’ll single handedly bring down the cable industry? Nope! So for now, I’m not crawling back to Comcast or switching to the Dish Network - I may still lust for George but I’m happy to cuddle up to Justin.
I was so inspired by you I called comcast to cancel our Internet (they make you buy tv too b/c it's cheaper supposedly) and switch to qwest but then they said they'd drop our monthly bill to $30 so that works for me. Next up: order Netflix