April 29, 2011

Thank God I shaved my legs

I've been involved for the last 9 months in a civic project - a fashion show featuring the merchants of my local community and yesterday the day finally came for the big event. My responsibility to the show was procuring donations from local merchants for a silent auction. I tell you, there is nothing harder than asking for free stuff during a recession! One merchant that will go unnamed actually yelled at me - told me people are constantly asking him for donation and that he didn't want to give anything more!  Anyway, one of the models had an emergency and they needed someone who wore the same size as she did to take her place and low and behold, I fit the bill. The silent auction very went well and bonus! because of my rusty modeling skills I get a big discount at the merchant's store for simply being in the right place at the right time. Yep, that's a metaphor for life - if only I had a schedule for where I should be and when I should be there!!


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