March 4, 2011

Breaking up is hard to do . . .

I’m working on a break up in a relationship I’ve been in for a very long time. It is difficult because although I know I’m ready to move on – so many things have made me unhappy about this relationship for a long time - there is that sense of the unknown, the uncertainty, that learning of things done differently that creates anxiety. I feel uncomfortable about it and I wonder how I’ll change in response to this new life style. But I think I’m ready to move forward and I’ve done several steps in preparation before actually speaking the words out loud, “I’ve found something else and I don’t need you anymore.”

It started slowly, this realization that we’ve grown apart. Over the last year we don’t spend nearly the amount of time together that we used to and the parts of our relationship that do work can be so easily replaced by other things. At first it seemed that our relationship occupied so much of my time; you comforted me, entertained me, kept me laughing or weeping or awed. In the kitchen, the living room and even the bedroom, sometimes you were all that I had and you sustained me in so many ways. But you’ve lost your luster, we no longer work well together. I use a pittance of what is there and you cost me way, way, way too much.

Yes Comcast, I’m moving on from the bundle package that we’ve enjoyed for the last four years. I’m leaving you for a HD antenna and Apple TV - streaming Netflix and taking advantage of free Internet access for live sporting events. I no longer use your land line and your cable options; we are no longer compatible for the amount of cash I have to shell out to you each month just to sustain you. Face it Comcast, you are obsolete. Sure you’ve tried to keep up with the times offering Infinity, OnDemand and seemingly handing out free HBO but it is not enough. I’ve grown beyond you and I think you know that. So when I call to tell you I’m leaving, don’t try to woo me back, don’t offer me a better deal – please just accept that I’m moving on.

Farewell Comcast, high bills and useless technology. I hope I don’t come crawling back to you with my tail between my legs begging for forgiveness and hoping for the $99 bundle package. Ah, I feel better already.


  1. What's apple tv? I'm ready to move on from comcast too. Btw went
    To salvation army today. Found a cute PB teen rug and a pair
    Of seven jeans for $35!

  2. Lis you be careful...teaming up with Michelle might get you buying jackets with other peoples names sewn on them!!


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